
In a recent landmark decision, Madam Justice Azmudeh of the Ottawa Court granted a Judicial Review in favor of Ahmad Rahmanian Kooshkaki, challenging the rejection of his Study Permit application by the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. This case highlights critical aspects of immigration law, particularly concerning the evaluation of family ties and the rationality of visa officers’ decisions.


Ahmad Rahmanian Kooshkaki, a 37-year-old Iranian citizen, applied for a Study Permit to pursue a Global Business Management Certificate program at Humber College. Despite having significant family ties in Iran, including a spouse and aging parents, and a clear intention to return post-studies for a promised job promotion, his application was denied. The visa officer doubted his intention to leave Canada after his studies, citing insufficient family ties and questioning the logical progression in Kooshkaki’s career.

The case raised two main legal questions:

  1. Was the Officer’s decision unreasonable?
  2. Was there a breach of procedural fairness?

Court’s Analysis and Decision

Madam Justice Azmudeh found the visa officer’s decision to be unreasonable. The officer failed to adequately consider Kooshkaki’s strong family ties in Iran and did not provide a logical analysis of why these ties were deemed insufficient. The decision lacked transparency and justification, making it arbitrary. Consequently, the application for judicial review was granted, and the decision was set aside for redetermination by a different officer.


This decision underscores the importance of a thorough and reasoned analysis by visa officers when assessing study permit applications. It also emphasizes the court’s role in ensuring that administrative decisions are justified, transparent, and intelligible.


The judgment by Madam Justice Azmudeh sets a precedent for future cases, particularly in the evaluation of family ties and the rationality behind immigration decisions. It serves as a reminder of the judicial system’s vigilance in upholding fairness in immigration processes.

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