Skilled immigration can be a complex and confusing process, with various streams and categories to consider. In British Columbia, there are several streams available for skilled immigrants, each with its own set of eligibility criteria and requirements. In this blog post, we will compare the Health Authority, Entry Level and Semi-Skilled (ELSS), International Graduate, International Post-Graduate, and BC PNP Tech streams of skilled immigration to help you understand which one may be right for you.

The Health Authority stream is for individuals who have been offered a job by a health authority in British Columbia and have the necessary qualifications and experience for the position. This stream is designed to address shortages of skilled workers in the health care sector, and is only available to workers in specific occupations. You may be eligible to apply under this stream if you are a physician, midwife or nurse practitioner. Please refer to the link below for more eligibility information.

The Entry Level and Semi-Skilled (ELSS) stream is for workers in occupations such as food processing sectors, tourism or hospitality. ELSS-eligible jobs are classified as National Occupation Classification (NOC) training, education, experience and responsibilities (TEER) 4 or 5. Notably, for the Northeast Development Region, you may not apply as live-in caregivers (NOC 44100). Other eligibility criteria include having worked full-time for your employer at least nine months consecutively before applying to this stream. You must also meet qualifications for the job offered to you and meet any requirements in B.C. for that job. Please refer to the link below for more eligibility information.

The International Graduate stream is for recent graduates of eligible Canadian post-secondary institutions who have graduated within the last three years. This stream is designed to help international graduates transition from study to work in British Columbia. To be eligible for this stream, you must have completed a certificate, diploma or degree from an eligible Canadian post-secondary institution in the past three years. You must also have a job offer classified as NOC TEER 1, 2, or 3 from an employer in B.C. Notably, management occupations (NOC TEER 0) are ineligible for the International Graduate stream. Please refer to the link below for more eligibility information.

The International Post-Graduate stream is for recent graduates of eligible British Columbia post-secondary institutions who have completed a master’s or doctorate degree program in a natural, applied, or health sciences field. This stream is designed to help international post-graduate students stay and work in British Columbia after completing their studies, and is open to graduates in specific fields of study. Notably, you do not require a job offer to apply for this stream. To be eligible, you must have graduated from an eligible B.C. institution within the last three years. Some of the disciplines include agriculture, biomedical sciences, or engineering. Please refer to the link below for more eligibility information. The “BC PNP IPG Programs of Study in Eligible Fields” file includes more information (

The BC PNP Tech stream is for experienced workers in the technology sector who have been offered a job by a British Columbia employer. It is designed to aid B.C. tech employers hire and keep international talent. Note that BC PNP Tech is administrate measures that help tech workers navigate more quickly through process of BC PNP, for example, tech-only draws for application invitations. This is not a separate stream. The list of tech jobs that are in-demand and eligible for BC PNP Tech can be found here ( You must choose either the Skilled Worker or International Graduate stream to apply and meet the general and stream specific requirements. Please refer to the link below for more eligibility information.

Each of these streams has its own unique eligibility criteria and requirements. It is important to carefully review these requirements for each stream, and to consider your own personal circumstances and qualifications when deciding which one is right for you. The skilled immigration process can be complex, so it may be helpful to consult with a lawyer or immigration professional at Pax Law to ensure that you are applying for the right stream and that you have the best chance of success.



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