Great News: Pax Law’s Telegram group @paxlawod hit 7000 followers and a new domain for Pax Law

A Milestone for Pax Law’s Immigration and Refugee Telegram Group

This weekend 21-22 July 2023, while Vancouver was hosting Australia for the annual fireworks festival of Honda Celebration of Light, our open discussion Telegram group for immigration and refugee gained it 7,001 followers.

It was back in March 2021 when a social media professional was trying to sell us a Telegram group with only 600 followers, saying that in the very competitive market of immigration service providers, we [Pax Law] would not be able to establish a group with that many followers, look where we got! Yes, it took over two years, but once more, we proved that with our persistence and patience, we can and will things happen!

Back in March 2021, Pax Law was not active in Social Media and now has posts, pictures, and live broadcasts over a dozen social media channels, including but not limited to InstagramYouTubeTelegramFacebook PageFacebook GroupFacebook ProfileLinkedIn, ReStream, Twitter, Clubhouse, Zoom, and MS Teams.

Combating Censorship in Iran

In the later 2021, the theocratic dictatorship of the Islamic Republic of Iran censored our primary domains, and We moved our servers to Amazon Web Services or AWS, LightSail, running our website on their fastest server. Today on 22 July 2023, we purchased the domains and We believe that with the new domain for Pax Law, Iranians should be able to access our website and web services without the use of VPNs and Proxies.

Our Beloved Colleague Sofia Comes Back from Sweden

Monday, 24 July 2023, we should have Sofia back. She went on a three weeks vacation, visiting her motherland Sweden. We are excited to have her back.

A New Team Member will Join Us: Dr. Yasamin Rahimi

Dr. Yasamin Rahimi (PhD in Laws) will join Pax Law on 31 July 2023. We are excited and looking forward to having her as a member of our immigration group.

If you have any questions or suggestions to improve our services, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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